School Ethos :
(as per our Code of Behaviour Policy):
Scoil Mhuire na nGrást, in partnership with pupils, parents, teachers and the wider parish community endeavours to:
Create a happy and secure environment in which to educate each child
Foster and develop their gifts and talents
Enable them to grow into happy, well integrated young people respecting themselves and others
The school is committed to imparting a Christian vision of human life and human relationships in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The school is also committed to imparting a sense of our national identity, its culture and philosophy.
The school anthem "How Lucky We Are!" also reinforces this:
“We want our school to be, a place for everyone,
To do some work and have some fun,
Where people feel that they belong.
We ask God’s Holy Spirit to be active here,
To make an atmosphere of Joy and Peace and Love.”
(based on Alive-O 4 Rang a dó)