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                                    School Awards & Achievements 



Discovery Primary Maths and Science - 2015

Our school has been awarded a Science and Maths Excellence Plaque as part of Science Foundation Ireland's Discovery Primary Science and Maths Program! We are delighted with this tremendous achievement acknowledging our ongoing commitment to Science, Maths, Technology and Engineering.

Digital Schools of Distinction Award - 2014

We were awarded the Digital Schools of Distinction Award  in 2014 . We celebrated this achievement with County Mayor Alan Coleman, parents, P.A., staff members (present and former) and pupils. 

Excellence in Education Award Finalist - 2014

Excellence in Education 2014 - Finalist in Excellence in Education Award 2014, hosted by IT@ Cork. This was our second nomination for this award.  We were delighted to be shortlisted as a finalist,  the nomination itself recognises our efforts in IT both in the school and in the wider community.


National Scratch Programming winners - 2013

Two of our 6th class students came first in this national competition in Tallaght IT. Scratch is a visual programming language that allows children to create interactive stories, animations and games. It is computer programming at its best!

With over 700 entries from 22 counties, the girls came first with their project etitled Cinderella Story.  This was chosen as the winner because of its creativity and integral computer science.  Well done to the girls, Mrs. O’Connor, co-ordinator, Ms. Murphy and the children’s parents.

Our first Green Flag – 2012

Two Green Committee members, accompanied by Ms.Moynihan and Mr. Hennessy, attended the Green Flag ceremony in Silversprings Hotel, Cork.  Our school was one of twenty three schools that received their first Green Flag, for litter and waste management. Eighty one schools in total received Green Flags on that day and it was great to be part of such a worthwhile event. Niamh and Andrew were presented with the flag and certificate on behalf of the school.


Congratulations to Ms. Moynihan and her wonderful Green Team, past Green Team members, all our staff, our children; "Garden Angels", Belgooly Tidy Town's  Gardening experts, Michael Horgan, our hard-working caretaker, Willie Granger and all the parents who supported us, in any way with our gardening/vegetable patches/recycling efforts.

Excellence in Education Award Winner - 2012

Excellence in Education Award – Our school won this prestigious award on Thursday 15th November 2012.The education award was sponsored by Trend Micro.  The it@cork Leaders Award ceremony is in its sixth year and Denis Collins, chair of it@cork hosted the event along with John Wall of the Leaders awards committee.  PepsiCo, Carrigaline are the company that have adopted our school and they put forward our nomination.  Thank you to Trend Micro and to PepsiCo!


We won this award because of the variety of ways we integrate IT into education all over the school and for our interaction with the local community. e.g our use of Interactive Whiteboards in class, our use of the laptop trolley for ensuring whole class enrichment/experience of  IT,  Scratch programming for Rang 6, our use of educational online resources (Folens-online, resources etc), our use of Cloud Computing (Aladdin online) for keeping records and general communication with parents/guardians and staff, keeping our website updated for the local community and family/friends abroad, newsletters/text messages to keep the whole community informed, our links with local name but a few. We are thrilled with this award of excellence in IT.


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Scoil Mhuire na nGrást. Belgooly National School.
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