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1st & 2nd Classes  2016\2017 

First class gardening

First class enjoyed planting with our green fingered Nans recently.


Healthy eating!

Second class were the lucky recipients of some fresh fruit provided by Centra, Riverstick, as part of our healthy eating drive!

First class entries to Belgooly Show

First class painted wooden spoons this year as their entries to the Belgooly Show!

First class Art

First class made common Irish birds using clay

First class walk

First class went for  a summer stroll during Active week.  They enjoyed a picnic on the way.

First class at Hurling training

First class have learned many new skills with their hurling coaches - thank you!

Liam and his farm puppies!

Liam brought in his farm puppies recently, much to the delight of Ms.Griffin's class!

First class St.Patrick's Day Art

First class created some wonderful St Patrick's Day art.  They made leprechauns using their hand print and then they painted around it.  They also enjoyed Lá Glas and a dress-up day to celebrate the recent World Book Day. 


Second class using IT skills

Second class love using our laptops and iPads - click to see more photos


The Giving Tree

This Christmas, our pupils learned the importance of giving to others more needy than themselves.  Here are First class placing food packages under our Giving Tree.



Drumming sessions

First class thoroughly enjoyed their drumming sessions with Pat.


Second class doing PE with Fifth class

Ms.Griffin's class had great fun doing a PE class with fifth class.



Mrs.Ryan's class learned about the Sea of Galilee

We have been learning about the Sea of Galilee in Religion and we made lovely colour collages. Also we made a circle of friends display for our class.

Second class Halloween Art

Ms.Griffin's second class enjoyed making Halloween Art.

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Scoil Mhuire na nGrást. Belgooly National School.
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