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5th & 6th Classes  2018\2019 

Sixth class using iPads

Sixth class have had great fun using the iPads recently!

Fifth class display art

Spring has sprung in March with a variety of Art techniques, including pointillism being used by Fifth classes to produce some creative displays!

Sixth class carol singing

Sixth class sang carols to welcome people home for Christmas in Cork Airport!  

Fifth class gardening

Fifth class help prepare the beds in the school garden.  

Sixth class junior conferring program

Sixth class visited UCC recently to take part in their junior conferring program!

Sixth class science quiz

Sixth class took part in a science quiz recently.

Sixth class visit to rowing centre

Sixth class visited the National Rowing Centre after celebrating their Confirmation.  This was kindly arranged by a parent and they all thoroughly enjoyed their day out.

Sixth class using iStopMotion app

Sixth class were taught how to use iStop Motion app on the iPads recently.  They created some amazing stop motion movies!

Sixth class PepsiCo Technology workshop

Sixth class learned about networking and many other aspects of IT when PepsiCo facilitated a technology workshop recently!

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Scoil Mhuire na nGrást. Belgooly National School.

Copyright 2015-25 Scoil Mhuire nGrást, Belgooly 

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